What is the purpose of your job?
How can we be truly effective?
These are very important questions to ask ourselves and our people in order to create focus, so that we spend our time doing the right activities.
Please think about your answers not in terms of what you do, but why you do it.
If you work for yourself, the answer will naturally be different than if you work within an organisation.
But both should be in tune with your aspirations and values, plus the aspirations and values of the organisation.
Give it a go and ask yourself, ask your fellow colleagues and team members. Create an effective culture.
Then ask yourself and your team, does every activity we spend our time on help us to achieve our purpose? If not, why are we doing the activity?
So what activities do help us achieve our purpose? Prioritise them.
When you have cracked this you can ask your self what is the purpose of our lives?
And what activities help us to achieve this? But perhaps that’s for another day.
If you would like ideas on how to manage your Future Proofing journey please get in touch.