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personal effectiveness

Unconscious Bias

We all have biases that could affect our behaviour and decision-making at work. Some of these we may be aware of, however many remain at the unconscious level and so can negatively impact our ability to behave in a way that is fully fair, balanced and inclusive.  If left un-addressed, this can affect personal, team and organisational effectiveness. 

This programme will: Enable participants to understand the impact unconscious bias has on developing a diverse and inclusive organisation.

Give participants the opportunity to consider their own and their organisation’s unconscious bias

Share strategies for managing unconscious bias

Provide participants with the opportunity to work together to focus on how to value difference in their workplace


Personal Resilience

This workshop is designed to explore the factors that affect our ability to successfully manage pressure and the part that our emotional intelligence plays in developing greater personal resilience in situations that may be challenging. The course provides effective tools and techniques for developing self-awareness and emotion management, resulting in and greater satisfaction and productivity at work.


This programme will look at what personal resilience is and why it is needed, alongside:

Assessing current levels of emotional intelligence and identifying areas for development

Developing self-awareness – tools and techniques

Understanding what creates emotional disturbance and our natural responses

Developing strategies for managing our thinking


Creative Decision Making and Problem Solving

Making decisions for some people doesn’t always come easily especially in today’s work pressured environments. Getting decisions wrong can of course have huge negative impacts on organisations and of course getting them right can be very rewarding for all concerned. So what is the best way? This course will provide straight forward practical ideas to making the whole decision making process successful. Time will also be spent on how to get buy in from other key parties to your decisions, which can save a lot of time and make your decisions more effective.
 This programme will help the participants to develop a systematic approach to problem solving with a range of techniques to solve every day business problems along with problem solving techniques to enable decision making. Time will also be spent on creative thinking to aid decision making and which process to use depending on the situation. Naturally there will be the opportunity to demonstrate and observe these ideas and processes in practice.


Introduction to Mindfulness

Mindfulness is our ability to be aware of what is going on both inside and external to us, in a non-judgemental way. It is a way of paying attention – in the present moment – to yourself, others and the world around you. Derived from the Buddhist meditative traditions, it is now increasingly finding its way into secular contexts.  Thousands of studies have documented the physical and mental health benefits of mindfulness, inspiring numerous organisations including Google, Transport for London, the NHS and the Military to introduce the MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) model and discover its benefits. You are not required to adopt any particular religious beliefs or philosophy to learn Mindfulness!

Introductory Workshop (1 – 2 hours duration)

In this introductory session you will explore and practice the fundamentals of ‘being in the moment’ and being ‘Mindful’. You will learn a level of self-awareness to identify how fundamental Mindfulness techniques will help you deal with living a more mindful and peaceful life and allow you to focus yourself in a positive way when faced with a frantic lifestyle, stressful situations or unhelpful thoughts.


SDI Profiling (Strength Deployment Inventory)

Strength - The Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) helps people identify their personal strengths in relating to others under two conditions:

  1. When everything is going well

  2. When they are faced with conflict


Deployment - means to move strategically or to take a position for effective action. The SDI suggests ways that one’s personal strengths may be used to improve relationships with others.

Inventory - The SDI is not a test where judgements and ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ answers are graded. It is an inventory for taking stock on motivational values, the basis for how you feel and act in different situations.

SDI is a self-awareness tool which aids people to build their own self-awareness on how they communicate, the effect they have on others and the impact they make.


Building Great Relationships using the SDI

This workshop sets out to help people acquire a greater awareness of their own behavioural style and how best to approach those of different style preferences to build positive relationships and increase the opportunity to influence. The Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) is a very colourful and powerful tool that helps people to identify their personal strengths in relating to others, recognise when they might be ‘overplaying’ their strengths and potentially creating tensions in their relationships with others and understand how they and others respond to feeling in conflict in relationships.


Creative Thinking

This course is packed with innovative and creative ideas to help everyone to tap into their creative side.

The ability to deal with creative thinking and problem solving is an essential people skill, which requires a combination of knowledge, skill and judgement. This course will provide straight forward practical techniques to help people deal with unfamiliar situations and change them into familiar ones, which they can confidently deal with. The participants will have the opportunity to look at their own natural styles and how creative thinking techniques can aid them in their working environment.


Understanding Financial Data

Understanding financial data and being able to draw accurate and commercial conclusions is a key skill for many roles outside the financial department. This day looks to take participants through a range of financial information that they will see in their roles, such as: Statutory accounts; budgets, cashflows and investment appraisals.

The session will use a mixture of fictional case studies to demonstrate the contents of accounts and published public accounts to provide a case study to interpret and summarise.

Participants will have opportunities to discuss different businesses, ask questions and where appropriate bring examples of financial statements they have encountered for discussion.


Interpreting and Applying Financial Data

This day contains some of the input content of the Understanding Financial Data course and provides a case study taken from a popular TV business documentary to challenge participants in applying their understanding and actions they would do.

The business concerned was in distress between 1999 and 2002 and by using such a case study participants are able to look for the signs of difficulty in the accounts and to follow these through to an analysis of the business using a BBC TV documentary.

The business followed is Pierre Victoire, a former restaurant chain in the UK, which went into administration in 1999. The review of the accounts from that period is supported by the TV documentary “Trouble at the Top – Too Many Cooks”.


Project Management for Non Project Managers

This programme is for employees who need to manage projects but are not full time project managers, developing the skills in project management will help the participants deliver the project objectives on time, on budget and to hit the appropriate KPIs.

The participants will learn to use a structured framework to allow them to plan, monitor and control all aspects of a project. It will enable them to be able to motivate their team to achieve the project objectives on time and the specified cost & quality. On-going effective communication will naturally be a crucial theme of the Project Management process. It is ideal for individuals that are running small to medium sized projects and need to learn tools that will enable them to run their projects effectively. The programme is engaging and experimental, with a range of practical exercises, best practice and theory to fully engage those attending.


Dealing and Making Difficult Decisions

Making decisions for some people doesn’t always come easily especially in today’s work pressured environments. Getting decisions wrong can of course have huge negative impacts on organisations and of course getting them right can be very rewarding for all concerned. So what is the best way? 

This course will provide straightforward practical ideas to making the whole decision making process successful. Time will also be spent on how to get buy-in from other key parties to your decisions, which can save a lot of time and make your decisions more effective.


Interpersonal Skills

This programme will help the participants to effectively communicate their ideas and thoughts in meetings, presentations with different working groups internally and externally to the organisation. Developing skills so that the participants can effectively communicate at all levels is essential in building healthy relationships. It is not just about getting your own message across it’s about understanding others and choosing the best methods of communication which enable other people to respond positively.


How to raise your profile

How to develop a proactive approach to presenting your- self in the working environment effectively and ethically. To build confidence in networking situations and how to have a positive impact on others. To help develop understanding of yours and others behaviours, capabilities, attitudes, values and persona and the impact the have.

This programme will help you understand and maximise your strengths and how you can best add value to any given situation to help raise your profile and individual PR.


Managing your Personal Development

‘Who is responsible for yourself development’? An excellent question to start off with. This programme will help people to focus on their skill sets and how they can continue to develop themselves to self-manage their career and future job and promotion opportunities. The sessions during this programme will help people focus on what they can control in terms of taking on learning experiences and how they can help contribute more to their individual, team and organisational objectives. The course will look at informal and formal learning and how they can proactively self-manage their development.


Mental Toughness

The aim of the programme is to provide the participants with new innovative ways of developing and managing their personal effectiveness and performance in the working environment.

The programme looks at new ways to improve confidence, motivation, dealing with pressure, focusing and improving on areas that are important. The programme deals with sensitive issues in a challenging but supportive manner.


Key areas covered:

Identify the key concepts of mental toughness.

Keep your concentration and calmness under pressure.

Focus on what is important and not get side tracked.

Develop your self-esteem and confidence.

Further develop personal strengths and skills in dealing with challenging situations.

Build levels of self-motivation and personal drive.

Developing a creative approach to business.


Personal Effectiveness to Achieve More

To provide participants with new ways of working more effectively and maximising the time that we all have available to us in our working day. This course demonstrates to people how to be truly effective in their working day to be; focused, effective, efficient, organised, assertive, in control, motivated, positive and above all true value for money for their employers.  Yes all in the same course!!

Self-Motivation and Personal Effectiveness

Do you ever have those days when you can’t get yourself going or you’re disillusioned and bored with what you’re currently achieving or not achieving? Time flies by and you never get to where you want to be in terms of your development or self-satisfaction?

This course is for people who want to take control and be more animated in their lives and careers to achieve more and start focusing on what is really important. The course sets out to help everyone understand and produce action plans to demonstrate how to get the best out of themselves in their working environment and life in general.

Personal Effectiveness in Times of Change


To provide participants with personal effectiveness techniques to keep them-selves self-motivated and performing to the best of their abilities in times of change. To show participants that whilst at first change can be seen naturally as a negative issue we can learn to deal and benefit from change in our work and our lives. This programme will provide the participants with the skills and knowledge in managing their own personal effectiveness in times of change. Time will be spent on looking at change as a positive outcome and how to keep ourselves motivated and focused on our own development and effectiveness.


Effective Time Management

What is more important in life? Time or Money? Time is the only thing we are all equal with so this programme provides participants with new ways of working more effectively and maximising the time that we all have available to us in our working days.

This course will provide employees with the skills and knowledge in managing their time effectively to achieve personal and company goals. Time will be spent providing the participants with a clear structure in taking a proactive approach to their development and management of their time and how they can make further contributions to the success of the organisation.


Assertiveness Communication at Work

The aim of the course is to give the participants a clear understanding of their communication style and how best to use Assertiveness Techniques in their everyday working environment.  This course will be fully interactive in helping people understand how their behaviour and communication can affect other people and how they can make positive changes to gain better communication and outcomes in their working environment.

The programme will identify the key differences of Passive, Assertive and Aggressive behaviours and the impact they have on effective communication and the participants will get to practice a range of Assertiveness Techniques.


Dealing with Stress and Stress Management


To provide participants with new ways of understanding, managing and preventing stress in their everyday lives. The course sets out to help people work with and deal with pressure and stress to make their work and lives more enjoyable. This course will provide the participants with the skills and knowledge in managing their personal stressful situations effectively to achieve a more rewarding life style. Time will be spent providing the participants with a clear structure in taking a proactive approach to their development and management of their time and how they can identify and overcome stressful situations in their everyday life.


Building Self Esteem, Confidence and a Positive Mind-Set

Esteem is Latin for estimate so Self Esteem is how one estimates them self. If people estimate themselves on a low level this programme will provide participants with new ways of building and developing their own Self- Esteem and confidence to help improve their work and life styles. The course sets out to help people to develop their self-esteem and in turn their own levels of assertiveness, self- motivation and confidence.

This course will provide the participants with the skills and knowledge in developing their personal self-esteem and confidence with easy to use and easy to follow techniques. Time will be spent providing the participants with a clear structure in taking a proactive approach to their development and control of the way they think and feel about themselves.


Maximising your Output

To provide participants with new ways of working more effectively and maximising the time that we all have available to us in our working days. Planning and prioritising activities which make the greatest impact is the key to being effective in whatever we do. We only have 168 hours a week, how well do we spend it? What is more important time or money? What should I do first? How do I stay in control? How will I ever get everything done? These and many other questions will be asked and answered on this programme.


Achieving your Maximum Potential

This session focuses on building awareness on how a person thinks about themselves effects how they feel and in turn effects their actions. Time will be spent looking at limiting and empowering beliefs and how these effect achievement when setting personal and professional goals and dealing with difficult situations. Developing empowering but realistic beliefs is as important as having a good skill set. It is great to have the ability but we also need the desire, confidence and belief that we can achieve our goals.


Working Successfully in an Empowered Organisation

The aim of this course is to provide the participants with the skills and confidence in being able to assess and manage their continued self-development and personal effectiveness in a learning organisation. This programme will provide employees with the skills and knowledge required in setting up and managing their own self-development and career progression whilst overcoming any personal barriers to working successfully. Time will also be spent providing the participants with a clear structure in taking a proactive approach to their own development and personal effectiveness and how they can make further contributions to the organisations success. Key exercises will cover the need for all participants to improve their self-awareness on new learning opportunities whilst improving their own self-motivation and confidence.

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