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The People Animators

Network the right way with the right people

The Art of Networking

Does the thought of networking turn you cold; make you feel anxious or under pressure or even that you have to make yourself appear important and someone of influence? You may even dismiss networking as the equivalent of speed dating in the business world.

I really love networking. Hardly surprising as I like talking, but I enjoy listening even more.

Networking and building your own network should be about:

  • surrounding yourself with quality and trustworthy people

  • learning from others

  • sharing experiences and different perspectives

  • relying on those who can give feedback

  • engaging with those with different expertise/skillsets

Your network could include already close friends and colleagues, as well as new contacts yet to meet. People that you value to give you honest feedback and advice.

Networking with people is easy when you know how. When networking with people you must be mindful of what they are looking for, try to interact and find a meaningful networking conversation, but above all listen, they have skills or an approach that will be new to you.

In my video titled 'The Art of Networking - Network the right way with people' I share some of my best networking ideas and advise you on how to network the right way. This could be in any situation, social networking, online or at events. The most successful networking is done when you know how to network with people effectively.

Tip: learn about people, be a sponge, listen and ask questions and find out how you can keep in touch. Your value will shine through!

Remember, if you don’t look after yourself or your business, who is going to do it for you?

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