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Let's talk about the future

The People Animators

Presenting yourself for a new job or opportunity

We often get the chance to present ourselves at a job interview, in a networking opportunity or even when selling the services of our business. So, what do we talk about?

  • Our experiences

  • Our knowledge

  • Our credibility

  • Who we know

Then we perhaps focus on them (remember, we were once taught to not just talk about yourself)

  • What their business does

  • How successful it’s been

  • What they have done

  • Who they know

That’s all great, but…

It’s time to talk about how you can help them in the future. What is:

Their vision?

  • Their future?

  • Their markets?

  • The value and contribution you can bring?

Today's video What are you going to talk about, the past or the future? highlights that now is the time to put your consultancy skills to use by understanding what they need, want and desire. Appreciating their issues or problems and being fully aware of their potential opportunities.

Naturally take time to understand the above, but when selling/pitching yourself ensure you talk and demonstrate the value you can bring and the difference you can make.

The past is great, but they need to know how you can help them in the future.

If you are able, please join me tomorrow at 2pm on my free Future Proof Yourself Webinars. Either click on the link or contact me at

The current subject is Finding Opportunities in Tough Times’.

Regards, David

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