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The People Animators

If you don't like something, change the way you think about it!

Very often the way we think about a particular person or situation impacts how we behave.

Is it possible to change the way we think? Can we change?

Well, yes we can.

We cannot change others or the situations we find ourselves in, but how we respond and take control of our thoughts and reactions can reap huge benefits.

Look at the examples below and then click on the video to find ideas that will challenge your way of thinking in these scenarios and more:

  • Don't get on with a work colleague

  • Big presentation nerves

  • Preparing for a difficult conversation

Working on how you deal with a situation, your own self respect and how others then look at you is well worth the effort.


Please take a look at the other great videos and ideas that I have posted on my YouTube channel. I hope that you will inspired to subscribe, like and share the videos with people you think could benefit from watching them.

The channel is called 'Future Proof Yourself' and it excitingly coincides with my soon to be launched first book, also called 'Future Proof Yourself'.

Future Proofing Yourself is all about helping people to stay relevant, of value and keeping themselves employable for the rest of their working career.

I hope you enjoy, David

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