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I am here to listen, you shouldn’t feel alone

The People Animators

During this unusual time, some of us may admit to feeling in shock and a tad vulnerable at the situation we find ourselves in and wondering what to do next.

Worries over our finances, keeping our family safe, plus keeping sane become the most important parts of our day and our normal day to day purpose has vanished along with jobs, careers and many years of hard work.

Accepting your vulnerabilities can be a good place to sit and start making sense of it all and creating a road to recovery. Accepting we have a problem and perhaps at this moment in time we are without a solution, is a big step.

In this time of concern, I would like to offer an opportunity for you to contact me if you have any worries or fears regarding your future work, career and which direction to go in. This will be without charge and totally confidential

It is so good to share, especially with someone who is removed from your situation, which may make it easier to be open about your concerns.

Please feel free to email me on : with your contact details and we can arrange a mutually convenient time to chat.

I look forward to speaking to you.

Regards, David

Note: My story of the past month

As you are aware, I've personally had to do some serious reflection about my own Future Proofing. This current and unfortunate global situation has meant that my business needed to transform from face to face coaching to becoming available online utilising the great virtual meeting facilities. Big changes for me, but excitingly I am now able to offer all of my courses globally, as well as to my existing and future clients in the UK. I would probably not have entered the online space just yet, but adapting was vital. Click here for more details on programme availability.

NB: Please discover coaching tips and highlights, interviews and experiences on the following links. Enjoy:

Remember, if you don’t look after yourself or your business, who is going to do it for you?

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