In these days of constant electronic overload from a variety of devices aimed at ensuring everything from news and social media to family commitments and work communication are immediately available, it is vital to create time to think by putting your phone and laptop away. I regularly utilise this time to clear my head, reading through and adding to different pages in my notebook, updating and planning. My focus usually would be on: - my to-do-list - people I need to network with - ideas and key projects - personal goals - reflections - recommended books and films Where, when, how and why?
Anywhere you are able to switch off for 10/15 minutes:
Spare meeting room at your office
Quiet space at home
Coffee shop
Taking a walk during lunch
Make this a regular commitment every week or two weeks
Reflect in a relaxing environment
Use a notebook to jot down your ideas and thoughts
Use the back of your notebook to make lists of important things that you can refer back to regularly
Turn off your phone and laptop
Regain energy and focus
Creates thinking and reflection opportunities
Switches on 'you time'
In the following video, Create time to think! Take your notebook for a cup of tea. there is an exciting offer for the first 30 people to email me with the time I announced the giveaway in the clip.
To take advantage of this gift, simply email me your details -
Remember, if you don’t look after yourself or your business, who is going to do it for you?
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Want to learn how you can stay employable and relevant for the rest of your working life? Want to enjoy feeling valued and fulfilled? In these unpredictable times, there is every reason for you to want to realise your skills and lifestyle choices to look forward to an adventurous and exciting future. Find out more